How to start a cleaning company in South Africa

2 min read
Nov 18, 2021
How to start a cleaning company in South Africa

Looking to start a cleaning company in South Africa? Follow these 6 steps to register your cleaning company and apply for cleaning contracts.

Step 1: Register your company

Cleaning companies should be registered as a (Pty) Ltd at the CIPC department. Your CIPC company registration number will be used to complete the following registrations.

Register your company here

Step 2: B-BEE Affidavit/certificate

A B-BBEE affidavit/certificate shows your company B-BBEE level, you'll need it to apply for government tenders or contracts.

Get a FREE B-BEE affidavit here

Step 3: Tax Clearance Certificate (pin)

A tax clearance certificate (pin) is a requirement for most contracts and tenders. A tax clearance certificate (pin) is issued by SARS and used to verify your company’s tax status.

Get a tax clearance certificate here

Step 4: COID registration + Letter of Good Standing

You have to register your company for COID in order to cover your employees for any injuries they might get while on duty. You will also receive a Letter of Good Standing from COID which is a requirement for most tenders and contracts.

Register for COID here

Step 5: CSD registration

To apply for government tenders, you’ll need to add your company to the Central Supplier Database (CSD). Once registered you will get notifications about government tenders and a CSD registration number (MAAA) to be used on tender applications.

Register at the CSD here

Step 6: NCCA registration

The National Contract Cleaning Association of South Africa (NCCA) is the regulatory body for cleaning companies in South Africa. If you are wanting to apply for government tenders, you must register your company at the NCCA. You can find out more about the NCCA registration process HERE.

Complete these 6 simple steps above and you’ll be able to apply for cleaning jobs, contracts or tenders!